Unified text of the Agreement of May 31, 2006 between the General Headquarters of the Polish Police [Komenda Główna Policji] and the Gdańsk International Fair Co. [Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie S.A.] for the organising of the EUROPOLTECH International Fair of Technology and Equipment for the Police and National Security Services, including the Annex of December 12, 2006.
executed on May 31, 2006 in Warsaw between:
Komendant Główny Policji [Chief Commander of Police], based in Warsaw at 148/150 Puławska St., 02-514 Warsaw, represented by Mr Jacek Bartmiński, Deputy Chief Commander of Police, hereunder referred to as “KGP”
Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie SA [the Gdańsk International Fair Company], based in Gdańsk at 5 Beniowskiego St., 80-382 Gdańsk, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs kept at the District Court in Gdańsk, XII Economic Department, under number: KRS 000003862, represented by Mr Andrzej Spiker – President of the Board and Mr Tomasz Hołdys – Deputy President of the Board, hereunder referred to as “MTG SA”
Whereas positive experience resulted from two previous editions of the International Police Conference and the accompanying International Fair of Technology and Equipment for Police Services, and
whereas the participants in these ventures have expectations regarding their continuation, now, therefore, the Parties hereto agree as follows:
Article 1
1. KGP and MTG S.A. will co-operate on the International Police Conferences organised every two years.
2. MTG SA will be the organiser of the accompanying EUROPOLTECH International Fair of Technology and Equipment for the Police and National Security Services.
Article 2
1. The International Police Conferences will serve as a platform for experience exchange and the strengthening of the mutual collaboration between the services and institutions dealing with security, law enforcement and the protection of the most important interests of the state.
2. The aim of the EUROPOLTECH International Fair of Technology and Equipment for the Police and National Security Services is to present state-of-the-art equipment, accessories and technology for crime abatement support to the Conference participants, invited guests, the executive staff of the Police, as well as to other services and institutions dealing with law enforcement and the protection of the most important interests of the state. The Fair is also an opportunity for the exhibitors to learn about the needs of the Police and other services in this regard.
Article 3
1. MTG SA undertakes to organise successive editions of the EUROPOLTECH International Fair of Technology and Equipment for the Police and National Security Service every two years.
2. The International Fair, referred to in Article 3 (1) above, will be dedicated to the Police, as well as the services and institutions dealing with security, law enforcement and the protection of the most important interests of the state.
Article 4
1. MTG SA shall include the current and prospective needs of the Police as regards equipment, accessories and technology in the Fair’s agenda.
2. In conducting promotional and soliciting activities, MTG S.A. shall assure the participation in the Fair of the manufacturers of the latest technology who supply equipment which meets the needs of the Police.
3. MTG S.A. shall carry out an agenda of the Conference and the events accompanying the Fair as agreed upon with KGP.
4. KGP and MTG S.A. shall agree upon the agendas of the Conference and Fair to ensure co-ordination in the organising of both events.
Article 5
1. KGP shall invite the executive staff and specialists from the Police and the services and institutions dealing with security, law enforcement and the protection of the most important interests of the state to participate in the Fair.
2. KGP shall initiate the establishing of the Conference and Fair Honorary Committee.
3. MTG S.A. shall appoint the Fair’s Programme Council upon consultation with KGP.
4. KGP shall appoint the Organisation Committee of the Conference and designate the representatives of the Police in the Fair’s Programme Council.
5. KGP shall invite MTG S.A.’s representatives to work in the Organisation Committee of the Conference.
6. The Fair’s Programme Council shall play a consultation and advisory role in matters concerning the Fair’s organisation, including its agenda.
7. In consultation with MTG S.A., KGP shall invite representatives of the services and institutions referred to in Article 5 (1) above to work in the Fair’s Programme Council.
8. KGP shall provide consultation to MTG S.A. concerning the selection of companies whose participation in the Fair is desirable due to the latest equipment, accessories and technology for crime abatement support which they supply.
9. Together with KGP, MTG S.A. shall encourage the Conference participants to visit the EUROPOLTECH exhibition.
Article 6
The detailed terms and conditions and the obligations of the Parties related to the organisation of the next edition of the International Police Conference and the accompanying EUROPOLTECH International Fair of Technology and Equipment for the Police and National Security Services will be determined in the detailed agreements executed within six months of the conclusion of the previous edition of the Conference and Fair.
Article 7
This Agreement has been made for an indefinite period of time.
Article 8
1. The Parties hereto retain the right to terminate this Agreement within 6 months of the conclusion of the last edition of the Conference and Fair.
2. The termination of the Agreement shall be made in writing and should be preceded by consultations between the authorised representatives of the Parties hereto.
Article 9
Any amendments to this Agreement shall require an annex in writing.
Article 10
Any interpretation doubts arising in connection to the performance of this Agreement and any disputes which may arise will be settled by consultations between the authorised representatives of the Parties hereto.
Article 11
This agreement has been written in two identical copies, one copy for each Party hereto.
Chief Commander of Police Gdańsk International Fair Co.